Entries by Maria / administradora


WINE AND LETTERS (V): José Manuel Caballero Bonald

 The time comes to say the word and you let it flow, help it to slip between your lips, already anchored in its time limits. The word is founded by itself, it sounds there in the heart of the speaker and climbs little by little until it is born and before it is nothing and […]


WINE AND LETTERS (IV): The wine book of sayings

Nowadays, sayings are in the doldrums, and no less so the so-called, in Spanish, “refraneros”, understood not in the academic sense of collection of sayings, but in the colloquial sense of people who are prone to foist them upon others without rhyme or reason, that is, a person who uses sayings all the time. The […]


CLIMATE AND WORK IN THE VINEYARD (IV): The Land of Rioja / April 2021

According to the AEMET (Spanish State Metereological Agency), April 2021 was, on the whole, a normal month in terms of both rainfall and temperature. The tenth warmest April of the 21st century, the twenty-ninth driest April since 1961, and the eleventh of the 21st century. The average temperature in peninsular Spain was 12.0 ºC, which […]


WINE AND LETTERS (I): Taste by Roald Dahl

There is some unanimity on the Internet that Roald Dahl published Taste in The New Yorker magazine on 8 December, 1951. I have also found some pages that tell us that it had previously been published in the Ladies Home Journal in 1945. The year is always very important when talking about wines, so this […]